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July 2019 – The Business Outliers

Key Drivers of Business Growth that you haven’t considered

”Marketing without data is like driving with your eyes closed”

. — Dan Zarrella

Are you launching a new product or business?

In a competitive environment you need apt knowledge about the concerns and preferences of customers. A market research is the surest way to gain insights that will help you increase customer satisfaction, identify the dynamics that affect your business, and improve your performance.

Here are 5 things you need to consider when conducting your market research.

1. Clarify what you need to know about your market. A focused market research is much more valuable.

2. Your next step is to prioritize the result, with the information overload out there, it pays to concentrate on information that will give you the best and fastest value for you time and money

3. Be creative, consider alternatives that can save you money and time, talk to experts and consultants

4. Ensure you have cost estimate, work within your budget

5. When choosing an expert be sure that they are able to provide results that you need, do not pay for what you don’t need.

A good market research will help you achieve the following.

1. A good market research will identify the problem areas within your business.

2. A market research helps your teams understand the needs of existing customers and why they chose your service over competitors.

3. It is key for Identifying new business opportunities and changing market trends.

4. A market research will help your team recognize new areas for expansion, and increase your customer base.

5. With a detailed research, you will discover potential customers and their needs, and it can guide you in creating valuable products and services.

6. Since you will understand the market potential, your teams will be able to set achievable targets for business growth, sales, and latest product developments.

7. Finally, a thorough market research will help you make well-informed market decisions about your services and develop effective growth strategies.

Who can help?

The Business Outliers

The Business Outliers is a business development consultancy. Our enterprise development services helps companies with high growth and high impact potential to become commercially viable. We develop growth strategies for impact focused African based ventures. Market Research and Feasibility studies is one of our Market entry services that helps you enter new markets and launch new products seamlessly.

Contact us at

The Outlier Hub

10, Bisi Ogabi Street

by Allen Avenue, Ikeja Lagos

Email- hello@thebusinessoutliers.com

Website — www.thebusinessoutliers.com

Phone Call — +23408179714138